Friday, April 01, 2005

Psalm 99

Psa 99:1 Jehovah reigns; let the peoples tremble. He sits between the cherubs; let the earth quake.
Psa 99:2 Jehovah is great in Zion; and He is high above all the peoples.
Psa 99:3 Let them praise Your great and fearful name; it is holy.
Psa 99:4 The king's strength also loved judgment; You established uprightness; You worked judgment and righteousness in Jacob.
Psa 99:5 Praise Jehovah our God, and worship at His footstool; He is holy.
Psa 99:6 Moses and Aaron were among His priests, and Samuel among those who called on His name; they called on Jehovah, and He answered them.
Psa 99:7 He spoke to them in the cloudy pillar; they kept His testimonies and the ordinance that He gave them.
Psa 99:8 You answered them, O Jehovah our God; You were a God who forgave them, though You take vengeance for their deeds.
Psa 99:9 Praise Jehovah our God, and worship at His holy hill; for Jehovah our God is holy.

99:3, 99:5, 99:9 all end with “holy”

Holy… Holy… Holy…

It is declared three times in this psalm that God is holy. To be holy is to be set apart from sin. To be sacred. Our God is separated from sin and above all of our iniquities. Our God is perfect – He is holy.

He are to tremble (stand in awe). He has a fearful name. It is fear in a reverential way. We are to praise Him with fear and awe and reverence.

99:5 says to worship at His footstool. This could mean the tabernacle (2 Chron 28:2) or it could mean to worship at His feet. The tabernacle was the temple of God at the time (remember, this was before Solomon’s temple). We, individually, are the temple of God (1 Cor 6:19-20), and we should worship God at the foot of the cross.

Moses and Aaron were among His priests. As believers in Christ, we are now among the priestly order (Rev 1:5-6) and have direct access to God, with Christ as our high priest (Heb 4:15-16). We should come to God boldly and without fear (Heb 4:17) to worship Him.

God wants us to come to Him, and worship Him. Our sins our covered by the blood of Christ, but God does not just “give us a pass” when we do sin. 99:8 shows that God forgives us, but He does take vengeance for our deeds. “Deeds” here indicates performances or actions in a negative way – ie: doing something wrong – “sinning”. Even though sin is covered by the blood, there can be, and often are, earthly consequences to sin.

99:9 says to praise God at “His holy hill”. At His mountain – the spot designated as Holy by God. There is no single designation anymore as Christ’s sacrifice removed the curtain from the temple. Wherever you are is holy ground as far as God is concerned. You are a moving temple to Him. Treat yourself as such.

This psalm is divided into three parts, each of them ending in “holy”.

We serve and worship a triune God.

Father… Son… Holy Spirit…

Holy… Holy… Holy…

Praise God!


FP adds the following commentary:

God is many things to us. Above all, perhaps, is his Holiness.

Jesus taught us: " Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name:

Hallowed is holy, sanctified, worthy of honor and praise.......

Happy is the land where the very name of God is believed to be hallowed.....

As America drifts from this, we begin to reap bitter fruit, do we not?

Holy is the Lord!! Worship the Lord in His Holiness.


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